4 Reasons Why You Should Get into Gardening Now

Jade's Secret Garden

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A lot of people are going through different levels of stress as they adjust to life in a pandemic. There’s stress over being on quarantine, anxiety over getting infected with Covid 19, and fear of what the future might hold. This is why it is important to have a relaxing hobby to help you cope with these new set of stressors. One good hobby to try is gardening, here is why.

Therapeutic benefits. A green scenery is one of the reasons why people spend money to go out of town and de-stress. But now that quarantines can be lifted and imposed as needed you may want to bring a bit of green into your home. Some people say that simply looking at a green space can already help reduce stress. Connecting with nature can also help in dealing with stress and anxiety. In fact, some mental health practitioners make use of urban garden activities to help people cope with depression. There are also retirement homes who have Horticultural Therapists to guide the elderly in garden tasks. At the very least, the gardening tasks will take your mind away from your stressors and enjoy a little bit of peace and quiet for a while.

Physical exercise. Gardening usually involves bending, lifting, and sometimes stretching if you have hanging plants or trees. You get to work your arm and leg muscle in tilting the soil, pruning the leaves, and moving the pots. It may not be equivalent to a trip to the gym but you can at least get your body moving. Working while the sun is up also help you get your daily dose of Vitamin D.

It’s eco-friendly. The world really needs to have more Green in it and your home garden, even if its just a little corner in your balcony, can help. Having plants around the house can also help improve your indoor air quality. Thus, giving the whole family healthier air to breathe.

Food Security. Food supply routes can be affected by border restrictions during quarantine. Food supplies are allowed to cross borders but sometimes checkpoints can cause delay thus compromising quality of fresh produce. In its own little way urban gardening can help in securing food for the family. Planting fruits and vegetable in available areas outdoors will provide you with your very own food source.

If you are looking for a productive hobby that helps you reduce stress, then gardening is one of your best options. Aside from the benefits for your mental and physical well-being you literally get to reap the fruits of your labor. Don’t worry if you feel like you don’t have a green thumb. With practice and a little help from garden enthusiasts its possible for you to grow a green thumb too.

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