How to Start a Successful Travel Blog

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The million-dollar question for many travel bloggers is, “How can I make a career out of blogging?”  The answer: it’s possible, but it’s hard work.  

You can make blogging a quality career, but there are some tricks of the trade.  If you are looking to make a career out of travel blogging, follow this to-do-guide, and you will be on the road to success.

Be Reliable

One of the biggest mistakes bloggers make is churning out content that they know nothing about.  If you want to be a successful blogger, you have to be an expert in your niche.  That means don’t look at other successful blogs and copy what they are doing.  Build your brand, and make sure it’s reliable. 

Write about what you know, not what you think people want to hear.  If you know about traveling to beaches, write about beach travels.  Don’t start blogging about hiking or biking.  It’s all about becoming someone people can trust.

Quality not Quantity

A lot of bloggers think that they have to publish posts every day or every other day.  The truth is, it’s about quality, not quantity.  If you only publish once a week, and that post gets a lot of traffic, it’s better than several posts getting a few visits.

The trick is to take your time and create a post that is helpful to your readers.  This way, they look to you as an expert in your niche, and they come back to your blog when they need help.

Size Does Matter

Experts agree that blogs should be around 1800 words so that they fit into Google’s SEO algorithm.  Truthfully, if your goal is to provide quality information to your readers, you want to make sure there is some meat to your posts.  

Paragraph size matters as well.  You want to make sure that you keep your paragraphs short–no more than three sentences. Studies show it helps to keep your readers’ attention—especially on mobile 

Promote your Posts

Blogging doesn’t end when you click publish.  You have to make sure you get your posts in front of an audience.  Enter social media.  

If you are a blogger, you should be on all the different social media channels.  When you publish, promote your writing on social media.  Don’t make your posts the same on each channel, though.  They should be different.

Groups are also essential.  Join travel groups and blogger groups.  Share your posts in the travel groups and ask the blogger groups to promote your posts as well.  There are even Facebook groups that trade likes and shares.  Join these groups, and like other bloggers’ posts, and in return, they will like yours.

Without a doubt, travel blogging is a great way to earn a living.  You can see the world and put some money in the bank while you are at it.  If done right, when you are ready to put down your roots, you’ll have enough money to start looking for Calgary homes for sale.

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