New York Fashion Week 2011: Day 1

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One of the most-awaited events which rock the fashion world every February and September each year is New York Fashion Week.  Fashionistas all over the world fight tooth and nail just to be a spectator of this stellar event.  Here are some of the designers featured on Day 1:

Richard Chai- his designs are known for their minimalistic appeal.  He blends neutrals with interesting grays and blues, nicely playing with sheer fabric from top to bottom.  You could be among his fans if you love long blazers and trenchcoats.

Cushnie et Ochs- showcased were a lot of edgy designs with a collection of blacks and whites.   Camel, purple silk and floral prints were part of his signature design.

Lyn Devon’s designs on the runway were reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn’s distinct 60’s style.  She incorporated modern design and playful prints in her collection.  Her A-line skirts, cropped pants and buttoned blouses are some classic pieces which you wouldn’t mind filling your closet with.

Which designer tickles your fancy?

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