Moves that Work on Toning Your Abs

Here are some of the basic moves for toning your abs that you can try at home without the need for any equipment.

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Wouldn’t it be nice to have a six-pack set of abs? Or at least a more toned tummy compared to what you have now? Even if you are not into fitness right now you should think about it. Toning your abs doesn’t just get your body in shape. It also helps improve your posture and help you get better balance and stability. Not just that, you also get a firmer waistline and enjoy reduced risks for lower back pain or injury. If you’re ready to give it a try, then here are some moves that you can start with.

Sit-ups and crunches. When you talk about toning your abs these are the first moves that cross your mind. All you need is a mat or a nice clean floor and you’re good to go. The first step is to get in position. Lay down with your back flat on the floor, bend your knees with your feet planted firmly on the floor. Place each hand at the back of each ear so that your elbows are pointing upwards. Once in position, bend or pull your torso up until your elbows touch your knees. Slowly lie down or return to original position then bend again. Do at least 10 repetitions for starters then increase repetition as you progress. Remember to use your muscles and not your back when pulling yourself up. You can do this by focusing on pulling your navel inwards as you lift yourself.

Modified Sit-ups and Crunches. Once you’ve gotten the hang of sit-ups and crunches for toning your abs, you can modify your routine to work on all the major muscles in your core. Instead of starting with your feet firmly planted on the floor, start with your legs raised and knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Imagine sitting on a chair except that your back is on the floor. Extend both arms towards the ceiling. Once you’ve established your starting position, brace your core and start leg and arm movements. Extend right leg and lower it until the heel barely touches the floor while lowering your left arm overhead until it barely touches the floor. Return to starting position and do the same with opposite arm and leg. Do at least 16 repetitions before working on your next routine.

Side Planks. These are abdominal toning exercises that work on all 3 muscle groups (obliques, rectus adbominis, and transverse abs). Start by lying on your right side with both legs extended. Place your right forearm flat on the floor and raise your torso with shoulder and elbow forming a 90-degree angle. Body should be aligned from head to foot with legs, hips, elbow touching the floor. Using your core muscles lift your hips up and hold position for 30 seconds. For beginners, hold position for at least 6 seconds then rest for a 5-10 seconds while on starting position. Do at least 3 repetitions then switch sides.

These are just some of the basic moves for toning your abs. You can find more complex moves and routines as you progress in your work-out.

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