Your Face, Your Canvas

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If beauty was a painting, then you face would be the canvas and the paint and would be the makeup which you apply. Nowadays while on the street we see sad failures in the art of make up as more people try to look more beautiful with makeup. Most of the times while walking on the streets you are bound to meet with eyesores who have taken the concept of applying makeup either too far or didn’t take it far enough.

Make up just like any other endeavor has to be indulged in with gusto but not over enthusiasm, the reasons are simple; over enthusiasm with makeup leads to the application of excessive makeup often times achieving the look you had not intended in the first place. While insufficient gusto when applying makeup creates a half complete look and in more cases than one; having the objectives that were intended not been achieved.

The trick to having the perfect make up, is to achieve it as a process; this implies separating the activity of applying your make up into steps and then perfecting the steps just like in an industrial set up. Secondly you need to be dead honest with yourself while applying makeup, first off you need to be aware of your skin type, what irritates you and what you are allergic to. Additionally you also need to have a clear objective of what you want to achieve with your make up before figuring out on how you are going to achieve it.

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