Vacationing in style

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So, you’re out of town, enjoying the breezy outdoors, but you have this gnawing feeling that your boss wants to call you about a work-related problem. You fumble for your phone, only to realize that you might need a Wilson cellular booster to improve the signal where you’re at. When on a vacation, it wouldn’t hurt to leave your work behind. But it would be extremely detrimental if you didn’t bring along your fashion sense. If anything, your vacation will be more fun if you looked good.

If you’ll be spending your time on the beach, be sure you have your figure-flattering swimsuits with you. When walking along the shore, don’t forget those cute cover-ups which could double up as evening beachwear. Never underestimate the power of flip flops! Make sure you have on a funky pair to help complement your look.

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