Tips for Beautifully Groomed Tips

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Good grooming helps us create a good impression. A well groomed person looks good even without fabulous outfits. Aside from our skin and tresses, our nails or fingertips are also in the spotlight when in comes to grooming. Here are a few tips that you can use to keep your tips healthy and clean all the time.

  1. Clean and trim your nails regularly. You need not cut your nails regularly if you want to grow them for French tips for a long and polished looked. Just make sure you keep them clean with regular manicures. Also, you’ll need strong nails if you want to keep them long.
  2. File and push properly. Don’t file your nails in a back and forth direction to keep them strong. It’s best to go in a single direction when filing, also make sure that you avoid filing your nails when they’re wet because they’ll break easily when wet. As for your cuticles, push back your cuticles at a 45-degree angle and be very gentle to avoid weakening and damage of the entire nail.
  3. Buff your nails. Nail Buffing gets you shiny and strong nails because the massaging motion increases the blood supply to the nails.
  4. Polish your nails. Aside from making your nails look good, nail polish also protects your nails from scratches and other external damage. You may use a clear coat or opt for colored ones.
  5. Use the right nail polish remover. Avoid using products with acetone or formaldehyde that causes dryness in the nails. Use acetate-based removers are more friendly to our nails.

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