The Dangers of Wearing High Heels

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Oh, how we just love them to bits! We sometimes feel we can never do without them. No, I’m not talking about our significant others here. I’m talking about high heels, and when I say “high”, I do mean those of the 3 to 4-inch kind. For a vast majority of women, heels are a fashion staple. Claiming SSDI benefits is farthest from our minds, because for us, the aesthetics of heels far outweigh the unseen health hazards they have on our bodies. But we do have to inform ourselves of the possible long-term damage heels can cause.

It puts strain on our lower back muscles. Wearing heels makes your lower back more arched than normal, thus affecting your spine and natural posture. Women often complain about pain and some numbness on the spine.

Walking around in ultra high heels poses the danger of you falling on the side of your foot and twisting your ankle. Having your ankle in a cast is hardly sexy.

Your feet will be the victim of pain and nerve problems, because when in heels, your entire weight is directed towards the balls of your feet. For overweight women especially, this puts added pressure on their feet. Ingrown nails are also a common occurrence among wearers of high heels.

Heels do make our legs appear sexier, but we do have to think twice if this sexiness is worth all the pain and long-term damage to our bodies.

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