Skin Care for Asians

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Asian skin has a yellowish undertone and tends to be smoother than other skin types.  Asians are often envied for their porcelain and blemish-free skin and their skin care regimen copied worldover.  Asian skin isn’t perfect though and need to be cared for to retain its supple youthfulness.

Asians are prone to developing dark spots and have a tendency to scar more easily.  Pores tend to be larger around the nose and the cheeks which makes these areas prone to acne.  Moreover,  asian skin are quite sensitive and prone to irritation.

To combat these,  exfoliate with mild facial cleansers to reduce pore size.  Exfoliating also evens out skin tone.  Always use products for sensitive skin and steer away from harsh, preservative-laden ones.  Try to avoid laser treatments as these may lead to hyperpigmentation.  And, yes, it’d be wise to avoid consuming great amounts of fat in meals.

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