Shopping for Women

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Anyone who thinks that women are not shopping fans must’ve been living under a rock somewhere. Leave any warm-blooded woman alone at the mall- with loads of cash- and you won’t hear any complaints from her whatsoever.

What would even make a woman happier is if you did the shopping for her. It makes us feel absolutely special when the men in our lives get us something which we truly love- without us having to ask!

If you want to shop for your woman, you must have a clear knowledge of her personality and likes- and dislikes, for that matter. If she is on the practical side, you might want to get her something she needs.

If your woman is one who fancies clothes but you aren’t too sure about her size, you can get her a gift cheque of her favorite clothing brand instead.

Think back to the times when she would drop subtle hints as to what she wants you to get her. If you know her well enough, that shouldn’t be too hard.

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