Nip and Tuck: The Downstairs Edition

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Image by adamkontor from Pixabay

Can we talk vaginas? And to be more specific, vulvas. In the world of beauty today there are a number of aesthetic treatments and procedures available to lift, tuck, tighten and or rejuvenate this area. While there is a wide spectrum of what is ‘normal’ when it comes to genital appearance, (see Jamie Mccartney’s iconic artwork, The Great Wall of Vagina) the technology to improve your intimate area has made great advances in recent years. Here’s what you need to know when you’re thinking of becoming your best self – down there.


Perhaps the most popular of all vaginal related treatments is labiaplasty. As a means to reduce the labia minora, many women desire to modify their labia’s shape or size due to a number of health and cosmetic considerations. Whether it be discomfort during exercise, intercourse or being self-conscious wearing swimwear, labiaplasty is routinely performed across the country. Despite it being a sensitive area, labiaplasty is a simple surgical option that removes the excess skin of the ‘small lips.’ It uses small incisions under anaesthetic. Dissolvable stitches will be used to assist in the healing process. You will need to take it easy for awhile as it heals, but your regular light activities are fine to resume by the next day – your medical practitioner will advise specifics.

Clitoral Hood 

In addition to the labia, the clitoral hood can also be reduced in size and reshaped. Known as a hoodectomy, excess skin in this area can also be removed and the area tightened overall. Note that the clitoris itself is not modified and thus, the reduction of sensation in this area is not a goal of this procedure – in fact, often the opposite occurs! You may wish to combine clitoral hood reduction with labiaplasty for optimal results. 

And did you say G-Spot?

Yep, we did. Fillers are not just for your face. As the ultimate gift for yourself, g-spot enhancement involves injecting dermal and volumising fillers into specific areas of the vaginal wall. By ‘enlarging’ these areas, the fillers serve to enhance sexual pleasure and sensation. This procedure is quick (normally around 30 mins) and is, therefore, a popular add-on with other vaginal treatments. Considering today’s focus on self-care, the focus on amplifying female sexual satisfaction is well overdue and most welcome ☺

Laser Resurfacing

The vulva and its surrounds (anus and perineum) can also be smoothed and tightened. Whether it’s due to childbirth or other factors, laser and radio frequency can be used to resurface and improve the appearance (colour) of this area. Also billed as a type of vaginal rejuvenation, you may require a few treatments to get the result you desire, which will be spaced out over a series of appointments.  

Where ever you go for your vaginal treatments, make sure it’s to experts who are highly experienced surgeons and members of the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery. Accessing high-quality care will mean comprehensive pre and post care options are provided so your recovery is well-monitored. Only the best for your vagina will do!

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