My Bingo Love Affair

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Images of old, gray-haired people stricken with osteoporosis, with nothing left to do on a rainy Saturday night come to mind whenever I used to hear the word “bingo”.  In the pursuit of shattering stereotypes, I just recently endeavored to start playing bingo.  And I must say, all my preconceived notions of the game crumbled like a month-old oatmeal cookie. Yes, I have to admit, I have fallen in love with bingo.  Things have never been the same since that day I rushed to the store to buy myself a bingo set.

I learned to enjoy the game immensely- much to my surprise!  I began hosting “bingo sessions” with a few friends and family, and I must say, my love for bingo has rubbed off on them too.  Who would have thought that shouting “Bingo!” can be highly addictive?  I have even started to go as far as scouring the net for online bingo sites just to satisfy my bingo cravings, especially when left home alone at ungodly hours.

What more can I say?  Bingo is fun, it forges friendships and strengthens bonds among family members.  You hardly need any special skills to play the game, and you end up having fun without trying too hard.  It doesn’t cost a fortune to play bingo, and it’s a worthwhile activity to help pass the time.

It is but human nature, I guess, to pigeonhole things into stereotypes.  Once we see things in a different perspective though, all labels, all misconceptions melt away.

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