Hair Care Tips for the Tropics

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Living in the tropics means we get to enjoy fairly great weather year-round.   We don’t have to wait until summer to hit the beach nor do we have to worry about freezing cold winters.   Aside from that, there’s not much need to change our wardrobe to match each season of the year.  The tropics is really the perfect place to live in – except for the havoc our humid climate wreaks on our hair!

Dry and frizzy hair is a common complaint of those who live in regions with hot and humid climate.  Humidity causes hair to absorb more moisture from the air which results to frizzy, unmanageable and dull hair.  Frequent sun exposure on the other hand results to brittle and dry hair.  Combine those two elements and you’ve got a hair disaster in the making.

Here are some hair care tips for those who are in the tropics:

  1. Wash your hair regularly.  Apply shampoo on the scalp and just let the suds run through the strands.  This will ensure that your scalp is clean and that the strands do not dry out from frequent washing.  Humidity causes dirt to stick to our tresses so we really do have to wash them regularly.
  2. Use a deep conditioning treatment at least once a week.  Well conditioned hair prevents absorption of excess moisture and lessens frizziness and dullness.
  3. Avoid alcohol-based hair products and opt for moisturizing ones such as styling creams and leave in conditioners.
  4. A bit of coconut oil can do wonders in taming frizz especially when you’re at the beach.  Come night time, your hair will be glossy and frizz-free.
  5. Don’t shampoo your hair before swimming.  Their natural protective oils will protect them from chemicals in pool water and salt in sea water.  Do soak them in tapwater though so they’ll absorb less of the chlorine or salt in the water.
  6. Invest in satin pillow cases.  Not only do they feel oh so smooth, they also reduce hair breakage.

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