Guest Post: How Shen Min Works to Help Grow Hair?

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My regular hair stylist was not in and so I was given a different one to do my hair. As my hair was being done, I got into conversation with the stylist. Turns out that he was had just finished beauty school and was working as an intern to get on-the-job experience. I was mortified! This is the story of how I lost my hair, and regained it thanks to Shen Min.

There are lots of laces to take a look at Shen Min online and there are many different pages that review it. I took a look at other DHT blockers, and even one site had a Shen Min Review that said how great their product was. The funny part is that even other dht blocker sites use Shen Min as the base for the best DHT Blocker out there.

When the stylist finished doing my hair, it was pretty and it looked a little different, but in a good way. My hair felt different, but I was not alarmed since I had gotten used to this feeling. When your hair is relaxed, it is straightened and you might feel bald-headed for several days. I thought the stylist did a good job, but the next morning, I woke up to a horror story.

I had a weird feeling when I woke up. For some reason, I felt a bit naked and I felt some wind on my head. I placed a hand on my scalp and to my utter shock, there was no hair. At that moment, all I could do was cry, but I still needed to prepare for work. Let’s just say I turned heads when I went to work that day.

After that little incident, my hair was still not growing and I was getting worried. I did some research and discovered something known as a DHT blocker. Many things can cause hair loss, but a combination of genetics and hormones are responsible for the condition. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the male hormone that can contribute to hair loss. Men and women have this hormone, which becomes more prominent with age. Male pattern baldness is mainly caused by this potent hormone.

DHT affects your hair by collecting on your scalp and causing hair follicles to be damaged, leading to hair loss. The good thing is that there is a treatment that can help to slow down loss of hair and restore ideal conditions in your scalp, allowing your hair to grow again. A DHT blocker is a powerful and popular treatment that can make your hair feel thicker, healthier and fuller.

The treatment blocks harmful DHT and supports a healthy scalp. The product also stimulates hair growth and decreases breakage. Unwanted hair loss can be reduced. The good thing is that the product is all-natural and it’s recommended for men and women who want to see real results without the added costs of expensive treatments.

Common products that you can find include a DHT blocker shampoo that removes excess DHT from your scalp. It also prevents enzyme conversion responsible for the production of DHT. Prescription DHT blocker is available and works by inhibiting activities of enzymes in your body that is responsible for hair loss. Hair growth formula is available for advanced hair loss and excessively thinning hair. This is a natural source supplement contains saw palmetto berries, beta sitosterol and pumpkin seed extracts.

Through a revolutionary combination of traditional Chinese medicine and modern science, people have made a breakthrough in achieving full, lustrous and healthy hair. By combining powerful herbs like He Shou Wu and Horse Chestnut extract with hair energizing nutrients like Vitamin B and biotin among others, Shen Min has maximized my hair’s natural potential and my bad hair day is now a distant memory.


Nutrition: How Shen Min Works to Help Grow Hair ( January 25, 2014). Amazon. Extracted January 25, 2014 from

DHT Blockers are available online and in stores. Shen MIn is a great option as well as other products as well.

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