Father’s Day Fashion: Spice Up His Style

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Dads come in all shapes, sizes and fashion styles.   Some look as if they’ve just stepped out of an issue of GQ, while others have seen better days.  If your dad happens to be a black-shirt-wearing-Simon Cowell dress-alike, you may want to help him kick up his fashion sense a notch or two.  What could be timelier than a fashion makeover for your dad on Father’s Day?  Here’s what you can do to spice up his look.

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Get him new shoes.  It’s time to put aside the Crocs and worn out gym shoes.  What your father will need are shoes which are fun and stylish, and will make a statement which others will not soon forget.  Think along the lines of Adidas, Converse and Vans.  Their stunning colors will help give your father’s wardrobe a much-needed boost.

Consider stylish belts.  Just because they serve a purpose, doesn’t mean they can’t be fashionable as well.  Don’t limit yourself to the brown and black leather variety.   There are other stylish options out there for belts.  They also come in bright colors, plastic or canvas.  You’ll find some brown or black belts with embellishments in the form of metal studs or striking patterns.

Select shirts for him.  Eye-popping color and graphics help add style to any wardrobe.  Choose one which is comfortable to wear yet head-turning as well.  T-shirt themes range from the artsy to rock ‘n roll, to pop culture.

One of the ways you can show your dad- or husband- that you love him is by making him feel special on Father’s Day.  What better way to make him feel like a king, than by updating his wardrobe.  Even if he’s still laboriously brushing up on his football skills, with his new fashion style, he’ll feel like Beckham in a heartbeat.

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