Boost your Immune System

There are a lot of ways we can boost our immune system in this day and age, including the use of essential oils.

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Last year has been a whirlwind for all of us. With the Pandemic still going on, I know that many of us are looking to boost our immune system to avoid getting sick. There are many things we can do that can strengthen our immune system.

Eat Healthy Food

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables especially those that are high in Vitamin C. Vitamin C is thought to helps build up your immune system. It increases the production of white blood cells, which are key to fighting infections. Citrus fruits like  orangekiwi, lemon, guava, grapefruit are high in Vitamin C. For vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts and capsicums are great sources of vitamin C.

Stay Hydrated

Drink enough water during the day. At least 3 liters of water. If you become dehydrated, this will cause many health complications and you don’t want to get sick and go to the hospital during these times.

Take Supplements

Sometimes we vegetables and fruits are difficut to come by so it would be good if you can also take health supplements if you feel you are lacking in some areas of your diet. But of course this should be a secondary option to getting a healthy diet.

Use Essential Oils

Another tip on how to boost your immune system is to try essential oils. Essential oils are natural products that have properties that can protect you from viruses. I am now trying out the following oils from Casa de Lorenzo Organic Products:

CALAMANSI ESSENTIAL OIL – From the peels of the beloved Calamansi we use as refreshments or as part of cooking, CDL extracts Calamansi Essential Oil by distillation. The aroma of the essential oil is distinctively Calamansi. The scent of Calamansi has been suggested to help alleviate depression and anxiety.

Elemi Essential Oil is also an amazing anti-inflammatory, a great additive for massaging strained or tired muscles, provides relief to respiratory troubles and a great stress reliever.

ALMACIGA ESSENTIAL OIL – Known to the world as Manila Copal, its globally traded as an ingredient in making varnishes. Traditionally, Almaciga is used as fire starter, caulking for boats, smudge for mosquitoes and incense for religious ceremonies. There are documented evidences that the resin is burned and smoke is inhaled for asthma and other minor respiratory troubles.

Even until today, the potential for essential oils from local plants and trees has barely been tapped. Casa de Lorenzo developed small commercial scale extraction of essential oils and is engaged in the study of Philippine plants and its essential oils. With its mission of combining nature, tradition and innovation, they strive to create a better everyday life for people using natural and organic products while helping local farmers and communities.

Casa de Lorenzo Organic Products is engaged in the manufacturing of castile soaps, extraction of essential oils, extraction of oils from seeds, fruits and nuts, and combining these into wonderful natural produce.

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