A Balanced Mix of Designer and Fashion Pieces for a Fashionably Practical Wardrobe

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A closet full of designer clothes is a much coveted possession of a fashion diva.  This is quite a feat for divas with limited resources where battles between the want of multiple fashion pieces and desire for a single designer item constantly wage.  A fabulous diva on the other hand knows how to strike a balance between the two (and her checkbook as well), Thereby satisfying her fashion cravings without breaking the bank.  Your best bet on achieving this is to buy clothing at a discount from reputable outlets that carry a variety of designer pieces.
Fashion trends come and go but your personal style will always keep you fashionable in any trend.  Knowing your personal style will help you develop an instinct in choosing fashion pieces that are worth investing on and those that can be bought on a bargain. Designer clothes are known for both quality and style.  Classic clothing pieces like the little black dress, leather jacket, jeans, white dress shirt, and a statement jacket that can be worn with any outfit underneath are some examples of items that you can splurge on. While cocktail dresses or fad items like the maxi dress or the jumpsuits are fashion picks that’ll make you think twice before going on a splurge.  Shop at boutiques or outlets that carry labels from both well known and novice designers for variety and fresh options, you may also find some fashion pieces without designer labels that fit both your style and budget.  Watch out for seasonal sales or clearance sales that give discounts as big as 50-90% off on their labels.  These are buying opportunities that allow you to create a healthy mix of designer lable and regular clothing pieces in your wardrobe.

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