6 Reasons to Consider Hormonal Birth Control

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Hormonal birth control offers several benefits that go beyond pregnancy prevention. Whether you prefer the pill, an IUD, a vaginal ring, or another hormonal contraceptive, you can enjoy several advantages over barrier methods.

1. More Spontaneous Sex


Image via Flickr by josh.greentree

While barrier methods such as condoms, cervical caps, and diaphragms are effective at preventing pregnancy, some couples feel like they can get in the way of spontaneous, stress-free sex. If you’re anxious about your birth control’s effectiveness or you frequently need to stop foreplay to ensure the device is in place, consider a hormonal option.

2. Clearer Skin

Since hormonal birth control contains and helps regulate hormones, you might see a reduction in breakouts. In fact, many doctors prescribe the pill as an acne treatment. You’ll need to experiment with different types of hormonal contraceptives to find the one that works best for your body, but the pill is among the most convenient and affordable birth control options on the market.

3. Treating a Medical Condition

Some forms of hormonal birth control are proven to treat medical conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Since the pill, the patch, and the shot are effective at stopping ovulation, women who frequently suffer from ovarian cysts may notice a reduction in pain. These forms of birth control can also help manage the symptoms of endometriosis.

4. Regular, Less Painful Periods

Certain medical conditions, stress, excessive exercise, and weight fluctuations can result in irregular menstrual cycles. Sufferers of PCOS might also experience amenorrhea, which is when a woman has missed at least three periods in a row. Hormonal birth control helps regulate your period so that you know when to expect it.

But what if you experience excessive bleeding, cycle-related pain, or periods that last longer than they should? Hormonal birth control can help with that as well. You can use certain methods to skip your period altogether or only have one every few months.

5. Reduced Cancer Risk

Studies show that some forms of hormonal birth control reduce a woman’s risk for certain types of cancers, mainly ovarian and endometrial cancer. Oral contraceptives are also associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer. Depending on the type of birth control and how often you’ve taken it, this risk reduction can last for up to 30 years after stopping the contraceptive.

6. Better Pregnancy Timing

Family planning is essential for achieving your personal and career goals and getting more control over your future. Hormonal birth control options help you wait until you’re ready to try for a baby. For those who have taken the pill, one in five conceives during the first cycle after discontinuing the pill. Slightly more than half conceive after six months of stopping the pill, and eight in 10 women are pregnant after one year.

Now that you can appreciate all the benefits hormonal contraceptives have to offer, isn’t it time to discuss your options with your health care provider? Having birth control delivered to your door is the most convenient option, so consider using a telemedicine company like Nurx. A Nurx specialist can prescribe the medication, ship it to your door, and set up automatic renewals and refills so you never run out. Why visit your doctor when you can have your birth control delivered?

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