6 Easy Ways to Become Environmentally Friendly

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Would you like to do more to conserve and protect our natural resources? Are you feeling a little confused about where to begin? Having a lifestyle that’s better for the environment is easy to do. Good places to start are conserving water, walking more and using your car less, eating less meat, using less energy, eating locally grown vegetables, creating less waste and planting more trees. These are just a few examples of the things you can do that will make a difference. Here are 6 more ways you can do it.

Become More Aware

A good place to start is by becoming more aware of the resources you’re already using in your daily life. Think about the way you heat your home and whether you could make any savings. How do you use water in your home, and could you reduce your usage? When you go to the store to do your shopping pay close attention to the labels and think about where your products were produced.

Change Your Travel Habits

Changing the way you travel can make a huge impact. If you’re lucky enough to work close to your home, then walk or cycle rather than driving your car. If you’re used to taking several long distance vacations every year, then consider traveling less or choosing destinations a little closer to home.

Consider Renewable Energy for Your Home

Image by Hans on Pixabay

An increasing number of people are choosing homeowner solar panels for their home as a way of saving money and reducing their impact on the environment. There are now a variety of options if you want to create your own energy and companies like Going Solar can help.

Reduce Use of Harmful Chemicals

There are a variety of harmful chemicals you use around your home. Countless cleaning products, paint, oil, and ammonia can all cause pollution in the air and water if not disposed of correctly. It’s possible to make perfectly good cleaning products with natural ingredients and substances such as paint, oil and ammonia should be disposed of correctly at a toxic waste site.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

This should be your mantra if you want to become environmentally friendly. In the first instance, you should be looking to reduce whenever possible as this is the best way to protect the environment. Reusing items means they don’t end up in landfill and recycling means an item can be transformed again and shaped into something new.

Reduce Your Plastic Waste

It seems we can’t live without plastic. Unfortunately, our obsession with this material is having a profound impact on our environment, our wildlife and our own health. Since the 1950s, 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic have been generated, of which only 9% has been recycled. Where has the rest ended up? In our oceans and in the beautiful countryside around us. You can reduce plastic in your life by refusing plastic cutlery when it’s offered, saying no to balloons, filling your own container with water rather than buying bottled and skipping plastic straws. Buying in bulk will also reduce the amount of plastic in your life.

Start your crusade with these 6 easy steps, and you can be confident you’re making a big difference.  

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