Want to Look and Feel Your Best? Eliminate Stress!

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Stress Free

Every woman, no matter how young or old, wants to look her best. It’s a girlie thing for sure but there are some things that just seem to keep you down in the dumps and looking ten years older than you should. Unfortunately, stress is the all-time killer when it comes to keeping you feeling and looking your worst so if you really want to do something to revive yourself, work on eliminating as much stress as possible. Believe it or not, stress does more than psychological damage so keeping it under control can help in a number of ways.

What You May Not Know About Stress

Do you remember your mother telling you not to frown so much when you are stressed because it will cause wrinkles on your forehead? Well, modern science has definitively proven that those wrinkles come from a whole lot more than frowning! Research is showing that stress has harmful effects on the body’s DNA, which in turn leads to premature aging.

What Is Known about the Effects of Stress on DNA

Until quite recently, scientists were able to reconstruct DNA to ‘view’ it with something called a DNA sequencer but a team of international researchers are now able to produce what is being called the world’s first direct image of DNA. Even so, the sequencer proved without a doubt that a component of DNA, telomeres, was shorter in those subjected to elevated stress over extended periods of time. These shorter telomeres are linked to premature aging as well as to Parkinson’s disease, Diabetes Type 2, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Stress and Sensory Loss

Stress can also lead to problems with hearing and vision which are two conditions often linked to aging. Consider for a moment a person who has endured extreme levels of stress for a prolonged period of time. Wouldn’t it be logical that a loss of vision, no matter how slight, would further increase that person’s tendency to squint and frown? It’s a logical progression and one which could explain what others view as a frown.

Natural Solutions to Stress

In recent years many women are simply refusing to take any kind of mood altering pharmaceuticals or tranquilizers to counteract stress, and rightly so. These can lead to habitual use which would then compound the problems related to stress. Modern science has found that yoga and deep breathing exercises help to reduce stress while there is growing evidence that compounds in cannabis plants, endocannabinoids, can also naturally reduce stress and the harmful effects on the body. You can find more information at local dispensaries in your area.

It is no laughing matter that stress can literally make you look decades older. Not just those frown lines around the eyes but your skin can also prematurely age because of those same short telomeres that are linked to the above mentioned diseases and conditions. The best way to counteract premature aging so that you can look and feel your best is to eliminate the stressors in your life. If that isn’t possible, it’s time to find a way to counteract the damage being done. Your mirror will thank you for your efforts.

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