Three Aspects That Make Hair Great

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Beautiful hair

Having great hair is much more than having a cool color, nice cut, and brushed look. Proper nutrition, protection, and overall healthiness will help to make hair as truly great as it can be. There are three different aspects that go into making hair great that you should know about in order to get your hair healthy and looking better than ever.

Protection from Pollution and UV Rays

Your hair needs to be protected from pollution and UV rays if it is going to be kept in healthy condition. Both of these factors play a major role in how your hair looks. They can easily cause discoloration and breakage, which should be avoided at all costs. Studio 417 Salon is a leading expert in the industry. They offer hair care products that can protect from these nuisances and leave your hair looking beautiful. All of their stylists are well-trained thanks to their education from some of the top beauty schools.

Proper Hair Nutrition

Proper hair nutrition is one of the key components to having great looking hair on a regular basis. This includes eating foods that make hair healthy and avoiding foods that can cause damage. You also need to be cautious of the types of vitamins and supplements you are taking. Vitamin A can lead to hair loss due to its level of toxicity to the hair follicles. Simply eating a few carrots would not cause an overdose of Vitamin A. Taking a Vitamin A supplement, on the other hand, could do significant damage.

There are a few main foods you should avoid. These include:

  • Sugary Foods (such as candy and sweets) – These can lead to an increase in blood sugar, which could cause damage to the blood vessels. This, in turn, does not provide enough oxygen to the hair follicles, which stunts hair growth.
  • Starchy Foods (such as pasta) – These can lead to an increase in androgen levels. This causes hair follicles to shrink, which will make you begin to lose hair.
  • Fish – Any fish that has a high mercury content should be avoided. Tuna and swordfish are two of the top concerns. The mercury may interfere with protein development, which will limit the function of zinc to helping hair growth.

The Right Cut and Color

While having the right cut and color is not the only way to get great hair, it is still part of it. Your hair will never look great if you do not ensure the right style is chosen for your features. It is best to go to a salon that works with a large number of people on a daily basis. They will have an idea of what the right cut and color would be for you. You can also experiment with different options for awhile until you find a style that looks the best. Not everyone looks good with short hair, while some shorter styles look excellent on others. Trying something new could lead to finding your ideal look.

Great hair is not easy to come by. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, and a desire to have your hair look good every day. The right cut and color should always be maintained, while products should be used to protect the hair from UV rays and pollutants. It is also ideal to maintain a proper diet and avoid certain foods that can cause hair problems. With these three aspects considered, you can have great hair always.

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