Best Skin Care Products for Troubled Skin (Acne Prone Skin)

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Acne Problem
Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at

Acne is one of the most frequent problems the plague the skin along with pimples. While it is very common and usually treatable, the ugliest part is the spots that it leaves behind on the skin. Normally associated with teenagers when they hit puberty as hormonal changes take place. However there have been instances when even the adults have been affected by acne. Both boys and girls can develop acne and it is quite a task to completely clear the skin of the pesky marks they leave behind.

What is Acne and what causes it?

Acne normally occurs when hair follicles get clogged with the dead skin and oil from your skin. Pimples, blackheads and even whiteheads are forms of acne.

Generally the change in hormonal balance causes acne. Another cause is oily skin which helps in the growth of skin bacteria. The major fallout of developing acne is the scars that it leaves on the skin which does not go away easily and can result in inferiority complex and low self-esteem

Recommended Skin Care Products:

It is important to note that many people use skin care products generally without knowing their skin types. If you are prone to acne or have acne, you should only use products that fight acne and not worsen it. Some of the best skin care products which reduce acne are as follows

Skin Perfection MD– Formulated by a dermatologist, this product ranks among the best and there have been reported improvements within as less as 5 days of usage.

Accutane- As the name suggests it is recommended for severe cases but is available only through subscription.

Proactiv 3 Step Acne Treatment System (60 Day)
Another effective acne fighting product, it is recommended by a lot of celebrities as well.

There are many who swear by natural ingredients that not only control the outbreak but also help in clearing the scars left by it. But we will discuss that in another post. 🙂


Skin care experts always recommend listening to your skin rather than looking at it. Washing your face frequently can help reduce the clogging of dirt in the pores. This has to be followed especially when you travel in dust and pollution. Besides this plenty of water helps the skin flush out toxins and keeps it dehydrated.


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