Say Bye to Eyebags with These Remedies


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It can be hard to look fresh and radiant when you have eyebags and dark circles around your eyes. As such saying bye to eyebags is a common dilemma for women across all ages. There are modern and age old techniques that you can use to get rid of these unsightly bags. The treatment would of course vary depending on the cause and the effect that you want to achieve. Here is a quick rundown of eyebag remedies that you can use to look young and fresh everyday.


Sleep and sleeping position. One of the reasons why people get puffy eyes in the morning is lack of sleep. Making sure that you get enough sleep can help prevent eyebags from appearing. Your sleeping position may also be the culprit for puffy eyes. Sleeping on your side or stomach can cause fluid to collect under the eyes thereby giving it a puffy appearance. To combat this, try sleeping on your back and use an extra pillow.


Cucumber and Cold Compress. Your eyes will not only look fresh but they will also feel better with cold compress. Cold cucumber and tea bags are age old remedies that you can use to reduce puffiness in the eyes. Nowadays, there are gel eye masks that you can use to do the job.

Sunscreen and sunglasses. Too much exposure in the sun can damage the skin around your eyes leaving you with eyebags and wrinkles. You can prevent this from happening by wearing sunscreen and sunglasses when you go outdoors. There are also lightening eye creams that you can use to deal with dark circles caused by increased pigment.


Hydration and Healthy Diet. The body responds to dehydration by retaining as much water as it can. This includes retaining fluids in the eye area thus causing eyebags. Stay hydrated by sticking to a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day to keep eyebags at bay. Another way to say bye to eyebags is by lessening salt intake and increasing intake of collagen boosting fruits and veggies. Salt contributes to the water retention in the body so decreasing your salt intake can help prevent eyebags. Meanwhile, increased intake of Vitamin C and other collagen boosting minerals will help reduce dark circles under the eyes.


Aside from these remedies, there are also cosmetic solutions that can help you say bye to eyebags. Make-up and concealers can hide dark circles while eye creams can help reduce puffiness. If you want to get rid of eyebags quickly, then there are also cosmetic procedures like the use of dermal fillers or surgery for you to consider.


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