Runway Rugs

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contemporary rugs are often used in runway installations, as an added aesthetic effect and also for the safety of the models. I’ve seen them range from muted colors to vibrant but not clashing with the overall theme of the show. Smooth surface materials do not really offer a secure footing for the models, and I have long wondered how the models are able to traverse the whole length of the catwalk without slipping or falling once in that kind of surface.

Well I guess the ability to walk tall and straight amidst any surface condition comes with being a model. I think rugs are also great for covering uneven surfaces used for a runway, and avoid the possibility of accessories and long garments getting caught in one of them in the middle of the show. There are already service companies offering to install the rugs on catwalks, which is mighty convenient for those planning a small fashion show but have no idea about the manual set-up of the catwalk. Obviously, the safety of the models should always come first in the show. They are, after all, one of the most important assets of the show who can make or break it. And making sure that they are on secure footing is one of the many ways to take care of  them.

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