Mixing The Best Of Both Worlds


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Alcoholic beverage and health are rarely mentioned in the same breath. The two are concepts that don’t generally go very well together. Fortunately, the world of health foods is an ever evolving place where sometimes even alcohol can become at the very least healthier. The products at Vlingmixers.com demonstrate this point. They emphasize a middle of the road solution for people who enjoy alcohol in moderation but want to remain as healthy as possible.


Drinking healthier

Alcohol itself can be enjoyed from time to time without any drastic health consequences. For those people, it’s a question of how to drink and still feel hydrated and well. When you drink, alcohol quickly depletes the body of hydration. Drink mixers combat this problem by mixing alcohol with a festive mix of electrolytes and many different flavors to combat the also frustrating feeling of always getting the same type of alcoholic beverage taste.

Focal points of healthier drink mixers

There are four central things common to drink mixers like those produced by Vling. They are low calorie so that weight conscious drinkers don’t have to pack on pounds while drinking. They are low-carb for low-carb dieters. Caffeine is another troublesome area for some people who like to feel better without the artificial jolt of caffeine. Mixers typically cut out the caffeine as well as the sugar so that people don’t experience the artificial feel good that comes from these drinks.

Healthier drinking is quickly becoming a fan favorite for those folks who can drink responsibly and want to continue doing so without gaining weight and feeling terrible the day of and day after drinking. Thanks to the hydrating electrolytes and the lack of sugar and caffeine, these drinks combine alcohol with healthier components so that you feel the least bad after drinking. Most folks want to enjoy a cold, refreshing alcoholic beverage from time to time. Thanks to companies who produce these new healthier drinks, people can drink healthier and feel better during their time drinking. Whether you drink socially at events or enjoy a refreshing beverage after work, these drinks allow you to maintain a responsibly healthy drinking style while averting the troublesome side effects of regular alcoholic beverages without sacrificing the crisp flavors normally associated with mixed drinks. As always, you still get the effects of the alcohol, too.

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