How to Choose the Perfect Mattress for Your Health

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A good night sleepMaking sure that you get a good night’s sleep is dependent on a whole range of different factors. These include your health, stress levels, and how comfortable you are at night when you head to bed. It goes without saying that those who are more comfortable in their beds are far more likely to get a good, restful sleep than those who are not. This is why choosing the right mattress is crucial for you and your health. But, mattresses don’t come in a ‘one-size-fits-all’ variety – there is a dazzling array of different options at any bedding store. How do you choose your match?

Pressure Points

At the very least, the mattress that you choose should fully support your body in a neutral position. Don’t be afraid of trying out the mattresses at the bedding store to find out which ones you feel better lay on than others. Even if you’re planning to shop for a mattress online and save money at Big Brand Beds, trying out different mattresses at a bedding store can help to give you an idea of the type of mattress which suits you best before you make a purchase.

Firm or Soft?

The firmness of your mattress should be the biggest factor when you are shopping for a new one. A mattress that is overly firm will take your body out of alignment by pushing on your main pressure points, leaving you uncomfortable and even waking up with joint pain. On the other hand, a mattress that is too soft may not support you at all, leaving your body to flop back and again potentially leading to aches and pains in the morning. Different people need different firmness levels when it comes to mattresses. For example, people with lower back pain may sleep better on a firmer mattress.

Choosing a Brand

Generally speaking, there is no one ‘better’ brand than other to choose from for your bed. When choosing a mattress, it’s good to keep in mind that everybody is different, and even though a particular brand of mattress may have worked wonders for one of your friends or relatives, this doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s going to be the same for you. Choosing a mattress is a very personal affair; so rather than thinking about different brands, list the features that you require from a mattress and choose one accordingly.

Do I Need a New Mattress?

How do you know if you need a new mattress? If you currently feel like you’re floating on air when you’re in bed and wake up feeling refreshed and pain-free, chances are that you’ve already got the perfect mattress for you. However, if you frequently wake up feeling pain in your lower back which usually goes away when you stretch, there’s a high likelihood that you’re sleeping on the wrong mattress. Even if your mattress feels comfortable during the night, waking up with pain that shouldn’t be there is a huge tell-tale sign.

If you still experience issues after choosing a better mattress, there could be an underlying condition contributing to pain or discomfort. Speak to your doctor for more information.

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