Dressing appropriately when meeting with investors at your home office.

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Sometimes working from a home office can give out the wrong impression to business acquaintances and potential investors. They may think that the business concerned is not an entirely serious one and that it is more of a hobby than a money making concern, and this is why first impressions are vitally important. The first thing the potential investor sees is you, and if you don’t look professional, you are at a serious disadvantage from the start.

Apart from making sure that you look business-like and professional, it is also essential to have your office looking like a busy, smooth running operation and not like another room in your home. Footballs and hockey boots in the hallway may be acceptable, but other toys and children’s clothes in the corner of the office give the impression that the business is secondary to the childcare. This is not likely to fill a prospective investor with confidence.

If you have an important meeting set up at your home office, tidy any areas that the visitor might have to walk through.  Look around and get rid of anything that is not strictly business-like. This applies to yourself too because if you are trying to negotiate with investors you need to look the part. A pair of ripped jeans and your favourite old t-shirt is fine for working at home, unless you have business appointments. Make yourself look business like, just as though you were going to work in an office for someone else.

As soon as you have that investor firmly ‘in the bag’ as the saying goes, you can shake hands on the deal, wave goodbye, and return to wearing your ripped jeans, jogging bottoms or even your pyjamas. After all, the whole idea of working from a home office is to wear exactly what you want to wear.

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